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Showing posts from October, 2010

Mango Adventure

Live in Mumbai for all your life - you need not have been born there, but you should have grown up there. As you grow up, your needs will increase, but don't worry about it, coz your family will prosper as well. Shift to a bigger house in a new building, coz your parents decide that you and your siblings now need a seperate room each. Wait for 3-4 years. Mumbai monsoon will wreck havoc on your building - paint will start pealing off and dust/dirt will accumulate in and around the various crevices on the facade of your building. Highspeed winds and pigeons will deposit plant seeds in this dirt and rain water will cause them to hatch into saplings (Figures 1a, 1b, 1c & 1d). Figure 1a Figure 1b Figure 1c Figure 1d In other cases a kid will hide from his mom (or an old mom will hid from her grown up kid who has kids of his own) and without paying heeds to her words, would have just a "last, chota saa, iske baad aur nahin" sweet sweet mango. And t