"Why be good?" Draupadi asks We have two choices : be good or be bad. Some times badness increases in burst mode (world war, Mahabharata..), only to be overcome by goodness again so that humanity survives again - and has a chance to be bad again. That's probably because our activities increase the entropy of our universe. When we are bad, the entropy generated is even more during that time, but we can't keep at being bad for long lengths of time because we might destroy ourselves... There is an inner voice which keeps most of us inclined to being good for most of the time. Its an evolutionary response I guess, because if it weren't so, we wouldn't trust each other. Shopkeepers won't sell stuff to people, we wouldn't give our money to the banks or banks wouldn't loan us money. People worry about too much corruption and evilness in this world. But maybe its a bit overrated. There are so many self correcting mechanisms in this world. If any one...